Thursday, June 14, 2012

So I'm on the move again. To New York City. I'm starting a graduate program. I've learned after several experiences not to say things like "it feels right." To be honest I'm not sure this feels right. I know that I am geeked about a program in which I will learn much, much, much about graphic design and what they call information design (or was it information architecture). I am excited about the prospect of library science and learning about it.

What I am not so happy about is sinking myself further into debt. Student loans, moving to New York. I'm not really that excited about New York to be honest. I saw myself heading to a small town in the South or in the Caribbean. But, that's life I guess. The expense though is overwhelming. I have to find an apartment, though I thought that I would get on campus housing. The expense . . . that's probably my biggest worry for various reasons. I'm going to have faith that things will just work out.

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